What is a Target Market Determination (TMD)?

A Target Market Determination provides a description of the type of customers who may suit each of our products. This is determined by assessing the customer’s needs, their objectives, and financial situation (target market).

A TMD also describes who can distribute our products, what channels they can use to do this and under what circumstances may we need to review the suitability of our products in relation to their intended target market.

It should be noted that a Target Market Determination does not replace disclosure documents. The customer should continue to refer to the relevant disclosure documents before making a decision to proceed with that product.

Why have we introduced Target Market Determinations?

Effective 5th October 2021, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019 requires us to have Target Market Determinations to meet our obligations. The purpose of these new laws is to make sure we have customer centred approach to the design and distribution of our financial products

Copies of our TMD’s can be found below together with our Design and Distribution policy.

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