Our purpose is to provide personalised banking services to our members.

Our Environmental Responsibility - Green Horizon Initiatives

'Green Horizons' is a key strategic initiative of Horizon Bank to be, and be seen as being, a responsible & influential environmental citizen.

This initiative supports Horizon's strategic citizenship goal 'To contribute meaningfully to the environment, the community and the mutual industry'.

The motivation for implementing 'Green Horizons' is our environmental concerns and the alarming rate of global warming. Dire consequences are likely to result if changes aren't made to the way in which society manages resources and our carbon emissions. Our environmental position is: Horizon Bank is a responsible and influential environmental citizen, as such, Horizon Bank does not directly invest in, or provide loans to, any company in the fossil fuel industry.

There's a lot we can do to reduce our footprint on the environment. The following business activities are just the start:

Green Power

For our use of renewable energy sources in our head office and subsequent branches Horizon has earned itself a GreenPower tick of approval from the National GreenPower Accreditation Program, whose mission is to decrease greenhouse gas emissions from the generation of electricity.

Our energy supplied to our head office building and each of our branches provides us with the equivalent energy produced from renewable sources, avoiding the use of coal-derived power.

To find out more about GreenPower visit the GreenPower website.


Green Horizons in the office

Solar energy is green, clean and renewable. In use solar panels release no greenhouse gases and they don't pollute the air, which minimises any environmental implications. Solar panels have been installed at our head office to help reduce Horizon’s carbon footprint.

Horizon aims to reduce the use of air conditioning and the costs involved by installing blinds, reflectors and awnings specific to head office and each of our branches. Head office is also equipped with sensor lights so during business hours only occupied offices or meeting rooms have lights on.

Horizon has introduced plant life into all our branches and our head office. Plants in the workplace have significant benefits by not just creating a pleasant environment but also a healthier one. Plants help to purify the air by soaking up the carbon dioxide we breathe out by replacing it with oxygen. Plants also filter airborne pollutants and allergens such as dust and restore a balance in humidity.

We have installed printers with double sided printing capabilities and encourage each of our branches and head office to save paper this way. Our printer & photocopier supplier participates in a reforestation scheme which plants trees in lieu of paper we consume.

All our Horizon letterhead is made of 100% recycled paper.

Horizon aims to recycle all that we can in the workplace. We also participate in a program to recycle all our used printer cartridges and drums.

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