Most of us now find ourselves working from home amidst the Coronavirus outbreak, and for some it will be the first time. Read our article for working from home tips for success.

Create your space and stay organised

A dedicated space to work at with a comfortable chair is likely to keep you productive throughout the day. Set up a home office in a study or other available space in your home and keep all of your work documents and other work related files within easy reach. Stand up desks are great to give you a break from sitting (and if you have the room!)

Gather your resources

Working from home will be a success if you have everything you need to use like you would on a normal day. This includes work colleague and industry contacts, passwords and logins, as well as resources and materials you would normally access.

Stick to routine

Get up at the same time as you normally would to go to work. It’s important to bring some normalcy as you’re adjusting to working from home. Having breakfast and getting dressed will make you feel ready to start the day. Be sure to schedule in daily tasks at the same time as you would complete them in the office.

Stay connected

Chat with work colleagues regularly to stay up to date with what they’re working on and to keep updated with how the business is going overall. Working remotely means no Monday morning catchups to hear about everybody’s weekend, or people stopping by your desk for a chat as they pass by. These interactions are greatly minimised when working from home which can lead to feeling isolated and ‘on the outer’.

Remain relevant

Looking for motivation to keep up productivity? Without being in regular contact with your team or boss, people can easily forget what you’re up to and what projects you’re working on. Stay relevant by continuing to work hard and deliver on results to show that you are adaptable and committed to working hard even while adjusting to working from home. Be prompt in your email replies and ask how others are going with their work.

Stay Focused

With distractions such as kids, pets and partners interrupting the flow of your work, it can be easy to lose focus when working from home for long periods.

It often requires us to re-evaluate our priorities, and practice greater discipline and focus. Now is the time to be able to set boundaries which will be easier if you clearly communicate this to your partner.

Remember health and safety practices

Keep up your productivity by eating regular healthy meals and getting up for a walk or stretch every 45 minutes or so. It’s important to keep breaks up, especially because we may work for longer periods of time. Keep phone and social media time to a minimum to avoid distractions.

If you’re using a laptop you might find it hard to switch off at the end of the day. Another working from home tip to help you switch from office mode back to home mode, is to use strategies such as moving your workstation to the end of the dining table, putting it away or covering it up at the end of the day to signal when you are and aren't working to the other members of your household.

It’s important to keep in touch with your essential services for any changes to your banking or finances. Our branches remain open and we’re here to support our members. Get in touch with us today if we can be of assistance.

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