How to make debt consolidation work for you

Consolidate your debts and get ahead. What are personal loans used for? Typically they help to buy white goods and furniture or they’re used for travel. However, did you know that many people also use personal loans for debt consolidation? That is, combining many debts into a single loan making it easier for you to control your repayments and get o...

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Should I Raise My Credit Card Limit?

Not all credit cards were created equal. When thinking about applying for a credit card there are many things to consider. This includes the benefits of having a credit card and how you can make the most of this type of credit facility. In this article we’ll also discuss the potential benefits and disadvantages of upping your limit. Safer than Cash...

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Managing debt through unemployment

If you become unemployed and have loans to repay, you may feel overwhelmed and struggle to know where to begin. While most of us may not have a comprehensive financial management plan, in this article we’ll share our tips for helping you plan during difficult financial times that have been caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Review Spending Don’t let ...

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What Is Debt Consolidation?

What is debt consolidation? Debt consolidation is combining all your existing debts together into one new debt, which can help you manage your repayments and give you a clearer picture of your personal finances. You typically do this by taking out a new personal loan to repay your other existing debts and then paying this new loan back over a set t...

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Money Saving Tips - Budget Renovations

Cost saving tips for renovating on a budget There’s no better reward and satisfaction than taking a step back at the end of a renovation to admire your hard work. Whether you’re looking to update a few features or plan on stripping an old room down and creating something from the ground up, read on for our top cost saving tips whilst renovating. Yo...

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Should I Sell Or Renovate My House?

Should I sell or renovate my house? If you've been thinking about making a change to your living situation, there is much to consider such as time, money and the needs of a growing or downsizing family. Beautifully styled homes on social media are often attention-grabbing and leave us wondering how we can implement these ideas in our own homes. Ren...

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Popular Personal Loan Uses

Popular Personal Loan Uses A personal loan can help you achieve your financial goals. Whether it’s to take back control of your finances by consolidating debt or achieving your vision for home improvement. Wondering how you could use a personal loan? We share three ways in our latest post. We’ll also touch on the difference between a secured persona...

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How Much Can I Borrow?

How much can I borrow? Can I afford my dream property on my own? This easy guide shows you how to use our borrowing power calculator to work out what amount you can afford to borrow based on your income and expenses. To get started, open our borrowing power calculator page in a new tab. Let’s start filling out the boxes. Your net income is how much...

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Tips On Applying For A Credit Card

What is a credit card? A credit card is a continuing line of credit used to make everyday purchases. They come with interest free periods which is a great way to take advantage of buying now and paying later. What is an interest-free period? The interest-free period is the number of days from the day of purchase to the payment due date. This period...

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