What is an offset account?

What is an offset account? A home loan is a major financial commitment. This is why it’s a good idea to use products that will help you manage this commitment. Put simply, an offset account is a savings account that ‘offsets’ your loan balance and can help you pay it down quicker. Here's an example: Sarah and Tom have a $400,000 Home Sweet Home loa...

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Top 5 Alternative Strategies for Entering the Australian Housing Market

Struggling to qualify for a home loan on your own? There may be some other ways to secure your first home! Here are 5 popular strategies that may help you. Property prices are still high and rising in a lot of major cities, so the dream of owning a home can sometimes feel like it’s moving further out of reach for many Australians. However, for savv...

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Be Scam-Smart: 10 Tips for a Safe Tax Season

We know that navigating tax season can be daunting but throw in the increasing threat of tax scams and it’s even trickier. By remaining vigilant and informed, you can protect your personal information and financial security. Below are 10 simple tips you can follow which will help you recognise common scams and how to avoid them. These 10 practical ...

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How to Protect Yourself from Money Mule Scams in Australia

We are seeing money mule scams become more common in Australia, with victims being recruited by criminals through fake job ads and romance offers. We’ve put together some tips so you can keep yourself safe. Movies and crime TV shows might be the place you’ve seen the work of ‘money mules’, but we’ve seen real-life examples of this illegal activity ...

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Economics Jargon Busted!

Do you ever feel like when you are listening to news about the economy, you have to try decipher what is being said as if it's a complex code. We get it! In this guide, Economist Nicki Hutley helps to unravel the tangled web of economic jargon so that you can decode financial news, and even any decisions you may face when it comes to work, spending...

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4 Tips to pay off your home loan sooner

4 TOP TIPS TO PAYING YOUR HOME LOAN OFF FASTER (without increasing your payments) Pay your home loan off faster without increasing your payments? That doesn’t sound right! Well of course paying more off your loan will reduce it but short of asking for a raise or getting a second job, most of us are working off what we receive each payday. These pay...

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Help Your Kids Build Healthy Savings Habits

Want to set your children up for financial success? Start teaching them basic money lessons early on to help them develop good practices to last them into adulthood. As parents, you can set your kids up for success in many ways, one of them is teaching them good money habits. Schools are beginning to bring financial literacy into their curriculum...

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Final Wishes Worksheet

Planning Ahead: How to Discuss and Document Your Final Wishes Are you planning ahead and preparing for the future? End-of-life planning is a topic that may seem daunting and many shy away from, but it’s an essential part of life. By discussing and documenting your final wishes, you can ensure that your desires for your life celebration are fulfille...

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10 Tips: How To Ace Your First Auction

The process of buying a home can be stressful, and an auction process can seem quite daunting… but it doesn’t have to be! Auctions are often a common rite of passage to owning your first home, going into it prepared with forethought and strategy can help maximise your chances of success (without having to pay too much). If this is your first home b...

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