How Do You Budget When Expecting A Baby?

Having a baby? We’ve developed this handy guide to help you plan your finances before your baby arrives. Your life is about to change forever! With a baby on the way, there's a lot to prepare for, so it doesn't help to worry about your finances too. With some careful pre-planning and budgeting, the cost of the ever-increasing number of 'necessary' ba...

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Christmas Budget Tips for 2020

It’s December, the month of celebrations - and spending! This can be a tricky time for many families doing Christmas on a budget, especially when trying to manage the normal day to day bills and expenses. In this blog we’ll look at how you can you still enjoy Christmas without the big spend. Here are our tips to make it enjoyable without going over...

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How Can We Be More Environmentally Responsible?

What is Being Environmentally Friendly? Being environmentally friendly means living a lifestyle that is better for our planet and reducing your environmental impact. However, it does require some fundamental behavior changes in our shopping and everyday activities. It does also mean more than sorting your paper from your plastic. There are many way...

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Money Saving Tips During Lockdown

Money Saving Tips During Lockdown The current situation with Coronavirus outbreaks and subsequent lockdowns presents challenges as our habits and routines are thrown out the window. One thing you may notice is your spending and savings plans getting off track. With more time spent at home, you’ll likely notice an increase in the amount of food and ...

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Buying A House - Saving Made Easy

Saving to buy a house? You’ll have more options with a larger house deposit Your house deposit is just one of the costs you need to consider when saving money for a house. Other costs include stamp duty, legal fees, removalist plus money for furnishings and the list goes on. Let’s take a look at how you can save for that dream home faster. Work out...

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Should I Sell Or Renovate My House?

Should I sell or renovate my house? If you've been thinking about making a change to your living situation, there is much to consider such as time, money and the needs of a growing or downsizing family. Beautifully styled homes on social media are often attention-grabbing and leave us wondering how we can implement these ideas in our own homes. Ren...

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Budget & Saving tips for under 30s

In this blog we’ll take a look at some practical ways you can make changes to your spending and saving habits. At this time in your life, you’re likely in full time work and may have just bought your first home or investment property. You may even be thinking about starting a family. Whatever your personal situation, read on for simple ways on how ...

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Budgeting tools and tips for 2024

In this post we’ll look at the steps you can take to creating a personal budget for 2024. Creating and sticking to this will teach you discipline with your money and help you to reach your savings goals sooner. It will also enable you to view your income differently which could see you with a surplus of funds rather than living paycheck-to-paycheck...

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What is an offset account?

What is an offset account? A home loan is a major financial commitment. This is why it’s a good idea to use products that will help you manage this commitment. Put simply, an offset account is a savings account that ‘offsets’ your loan balance and can help you pay it down quicker. Here's an example: Sarah and Tom have a $400,000 Home Sweet Home loa...

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