
Money Tips When Heading Overseas

Sorting out your money before you go What is the best way to take money overseas? You have a few different options. Rather than just relying on cash, consider taking a cash passport or travel money card too. Your own visa debit or credit card can be taken as well for extra flexibility when it comes to paying for things. Plus, having back-up options for lost or stolen cards is always a good idea. Keep an eye on exchange rates leading up to your holiday, then order foreign cash or load up your travel card when the exchange rate is in your favour. With some clever timing you may be able to make your dollar stretch that bit further. This is particularly for those currencies that are worth more than the Australian dollar, such as the British Pound or Euro. Consider the fees and charges While no one wants to have to worry about fees and charges, it’s important to remember that if you pay for things on your debit or credit card oversees, you may pay more than you think. Overseas merchants tend to charge a higher conversion rate for the trouble of converting your money into their currency. Check with us about the costs of using your card for overseas eftpos purchases and in foreign ATMs. Talk to us about travel insurance Without travel insurance, cancelling your holiday due to sickness or injury means you’re unlikely to get back any money you’ve paid so far.  What you’re getting up to on your holiday is also important. Make sure your policy includes cover for dangerous sports if you’re planning on skiing, skydiving or taking part in any other adrenaline filled activity. Get a quote online here. How about those bills? Missing a bill while you’re on holiday can lead to late fees. Or in extreme circumstances, stopping services all together if payments are frequently late. Take the hassle away by setting up direct debits before you go. Tell us before you go By letting us know you’re out of the country and where you’re going, we’ll know it’s you conducting those international transactions. We’ll continue to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity on your accounts and credit cards while you’re away. Looking for more money advice for your overseas trip? Get in touch with Horizon Bank today and let us help you on your journey. Horizon Bank has a branch network spanning the NSW South Coast and Illawarra. Horizon Bank branch locations: Albion Park, Bega, Bermagui, Berry, Merimbula, Moruya, Nowra, Thirroul, Ulladulla & Wollongong. The content in this article has been prepared by Horizon Bank for general information only and it is not intended to be professional advice. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should seek your own legal, accounting, financial or other professional advice where appropriate, and consider the relevant General Terms and Conditions before deciding whether to acquire any products or services offered by Horizon Bank and/or its affiliated partners. We do not recommend any third party products or services referred to in this article unless otherwise stated and we are not liable in relation to them. Any links to third party websites are for your information and we do not endorse any content on those sites. Horizon Credit Union Ltd ABN 66 087 650 173 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence Number 240573 trading as Horizon Bank.


Car Buying, Finance Tips & More

Car buying advice made easy Car buying is often made easier if you can take someone with you who is experienced in the matter. Trusted persons such as parents, friends or relatives are a good example. The internet is full of car buying advice, good and bad! We’ve made a simple car buying checklist you can follow when looking for a new set of wheels. Buying a used Car Buying a used car in NSW? Check out car buying sites online where you can select different makes, models, prices and set the location you’re looking to buy in. Set yourself an amount and stick to it! Be prepared to negotiate on price Don’t be afraid to ask the owner for a test drive You may be thinking, what do I need to take to buy a car? Consider the following; Your driver’s license A small cash deposit to assure the seller you’re serious and to prevent them from selling the car to anyone else A reference or credit check from your financial institution to say you have good credit history. (This is only if you plan to get finance from the car dealer) Buying a new Car The lists are much the same, however if you have the time, visit a few dealerships and ask if any extras and upgrades will be included in your car purchase price. Car salesmen will straight up ask you how you’ll be paying for your new car. ‘Cash is King’ still reigns true and paying by cash will give you higher bargaining power. However if you’re needing a new car loan do your home-work and look around for the best car loan rates. Horizon’s car loans are competitive and have a low establishment fee. Do a car loan comparison and enquire about Horizon's car loans.  After you’ve bought your car Motor vehicle insurance and a Green slip are the next things to purchase before you get your car on the road. You don’t have to purchase comprehensive car insurance, but it is the best option for peace of mind that all parties will be covered in the event of an accident. Check out the different levels of motor vehicle cover.  Getting rid of your old car Now, what to do with your old car? Trading-in may ease the hassle of trying to sell your car privately but you'll normally get more for your car that way. Unfortunately, if you’re buying a new car, dealerships do not usually offer you a great deal for trade-ins. Finally, don’t forget to submit a notice of disposal for your old car so the Road’s and Maritime service know you’re no longer the owner. Let us help you on your journey. Get in touch with us today to discuss our car loans available to you. Horizon Bank has a branch network spanning the NSW South Coast and Illawarra. Horizon Bank branch locations: Albion Park, Bega, Bermagui, Berry, Merimbula, Moruya, Nowra, Thirroul, Ulladulla & Wollongong. The content in this article has been prepared by Horizon Bank for general information only and it is not intended to be professional advice. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should seek your own legal, accounting, financial or other professional advice where appropriate, and consider the relevant General Terms and Conditions before deciding whether to acquire any products or services offered by Horizon Bank and/or its affiliated partners. We do not recommend any third party products or services referred to in this article unless otherwise stated and we are not liable in relation to them. Any links to third party websites are for your information and we do not endorse any content on those sites. Horizon Credit Union Ltd ABN 66 087 650 173 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence Number 240573 trading as Horizon Bank. 


How To Use A Credit Card - Our Tips

There are a few credit card tips and tricks for those of us using a credit card for the first time. We’ll talk through some of the do’s and don’ts to make sure you’re using your credit card wisely. DO: Keep track of your spending Whether this is in an app, receipt diary or simple excel spreadsheet, find a method that works for you so you’re aware of your outgoings. This is also a great exercise for budgeting purposes. Pay off your credit card on time A good financial institution will do more than just approve your credit card application. They’ll explain to you the statement cycle and how the interest free period works on purchases. When you receive your statement, take note of when your repayment is due and pay early to avoid extra interest or overdue fees. Ask your financial institution to set up a direct debit or a payroll split so you don’t have to make a manual payment every month. Maximise your credit card repayments Paying more than your minimum monthly repayment is always a good idea to bring down your outstanding balance (often referred to closing balance on your statement) and pay less interest over time. Use our budget calculator to see how much you can afford to allocate on repayments. Set the right credit limit Again, a good lender will correctly assess your ability to repay your credit card repayments and will assist you in choosing a suitable credit limit that won’t tempt you to overspend. A good rule of thumb to avoid getting into more debt is to spend less than you earn. Check your credit card statement Statements are a great visual tool to see how much (and how often) you’re spending money. Always check your credit card statements for anything that looks unusual, and if you see something that doesn’t look right, contact your financial institution immediately. DON'T: Increase your limit if you don’t strictly need to If you need to make a large purchase sooner rather than later, pay off that purchase as soon as your can then bring your limit back down, to avoid more debt. Make cash advances a regular habit Examples of cash advances are things like using your credit card to withdraw money from an ATM. Your financial institution should provide you with a list of what they consider to be cash advances on your credit card. These transactions can be charged at a higher rate and attract fees for the convenience of accessing the cash quickly. Use credit to get by A good thing to keep in mind is to use a credit card for things like emergencies and travel. Unfortunately, living off credit without controlled spending and repayments can land you in more debt in the long run. Allocating a portion of your income for bills, food, rent/mortgage and savings takes practice and self-discipline but services such as financial counsellors can help with managing your finances. See ASIC’s Money Smart website for information on financial counsellors. Looking for smart advice on how to use a credit card? Get in touch with us today. The content in this article has been prepared by Horizon Bank for general information only and it is not intended to be professional advice. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should seek your own legal, accounting, financial or other professional advice where appropriate, and consider the relevant General Terms and Conditions before deciding whether to acquire any products or services offered by Horizon Bank and/or its affiliated partners. We do not recommend any third party products or services referred to in this article unless otherwise stated and we are not liable in relation to them. Any links to third party websites are for your information and we do not endorse any content on those sites. Horizon Credit Union Ltd ABN 66 087 650 173 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence Number 240573 trading as Horizon Bank.


How to Save Money

In this blog we’ll look at money saving tips that are useful for a growing family. It is always a good idea to take a look at your finances and work out how to better manage your money and maximise your savings. As your family grows, so do your expenses and outgoings. We’ll provide some practical ways to reduce your spending and save money.Below are some simple tips for ways to save money.         Set a goal for what you’re saving for Decide what you’re saving for, how much money you need to save and by when. Whatever it might be, saving for a purpose feels good and is easier when you have a clear vision for your money in mind. Be sure to make it realistic to avoid disappointment. Keep reading below for different ways to save money. Use a budget planner calculator Budget calculators such as ours are great for a simple representation of your income and expenses designed to help you get a clearer picture of your finances. Check out our budgeting calculator. You could also try a budget planner app or personal budget planner. There are free versions of these tools online and they get you in the habit of tracking your spending. It also helps you understand where you’re spending and where you might save money by switching or eliminating.   Look for alternatives To save money, you will need to get creative and look for alternative ways to fund certain activities. Try going for a walk or jog rather than paying for a gym membership. Try buying non-perishable items in bulk and take advantage of cash back schemes such as return and earn. Comparing insurances and electricity/gas suppliers is a good way to make sure you’re always getting the best deal. Set up a savings accountA savings account with a great interest rate that encourages you to save money is a big help. Check out Horizon’s Reward Saver account to get started. It is easy to open an account online and deposit funds. Regularly putting money away into a savings account each time you are paid is also a key component to saving. Check your statementsGet in the habit of checking your statements monthly for transactions that are out of the ordinary – it’s a good security practice. Every six months, check for memberships to clubs and societies you’re not actively involved in anymore so they can be cancelled, as should any magazine subscriptions or repeat direct debits you’re not using.Change small habitsAnother money saving tip is to look for regular expenses you could be cutting back on as you’re checking your statements. Daily coffees and eating lunch or dinner out all add up at the end of the week. Look up simple recipes online that you can cook at home and make it a family activity by getting the kids involved. Get rid of un-wanted itemsNo matter what the season, it is always a good time to de-clutter. Take a look around your home for un-used or un-wanted items in good condition that could make you some extra money at a garage sale or online. Deposit any money you earn straight into a savings account, or allocate it to an upcoming expense before it is spent on anything else.Hopefully these simple money management tips have given you a good grasp on saving, and will help you to manage your money in future. Use our budget planner calculator to kick start your savings journey Need some extra help with reaching your savings goal? Get in touch with the friendly team at Horizon today and let us help you on your journey. Horizon Bank has a branch network along the South Coast and Illawarra: Albion Park, Bega, Bermagui, Berry, Merimbula, Moruya, Nowra, Thirroul, Ulladulla & Wollongong