Wedding Cost - What Are Your Options

How much does a wedding cost? They can be expensive, but smart planning might help you keep costs reasonable and within your spending limits. Even a low-cost wedding will require putting together a plan to minimise the impact on your money. Start with a wedding budget If you’re unsure of how much you want to outlay for your wedding, start by pictur...

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Christmas Saving Tips

‘Tis the season… To avoid overspending and dampening your Christmas cheer, follow our 4 tips to keep your Christmas budget on track. Christmas budgeting tips - Put money aside A separate Christmas club account is a great way to put aside money for the festive season throughout the year to alleviate the pressure of coming up with hundreds of dollars...

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Saving money for future spending

Want to learn about some key tips to save money for future spending? In this blog we’ll go through establishing a budget, creating short term savings goals, setting up your savings and checking your credit report. These are key practices to get in the habit of for an effective savings plan that teaches you how to save money. Establish your budget G...

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How To Get More Out Of Your Money

Good financial management allows you to map out your goals and strategies so that you can achieve them and get more out of your money. These should be done and reviewed regularly as you move through the different stages of life. In this post we look at some of the ways you can maximise your money, which can help you achieve success with tangible go...

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Banking Tips For The New Financial year

The end of financial year has come and tax time is upon us. Now is a great time to think about improving your finance and money management over the next 12 months. Keep reading for some helpful tips for the new financial year. See A Financial Planner Organising to see a financial planner at any age is a great idea to discuss matters like managing a...

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What Are The Benefits Of Savings Accounts?

Choosing a savings account really depends on the purpose and goals you are working towards. If you are looking for the best way to save money for Christmas for example, then a Christmas Club account might be ideal for you. Or, you may want to reward yourself by earning interest on your savings. If this is the case a high interest account like our R...

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How to save money

In this blog we’ll look at money saving tips that are useful for a growing family. It is always a good idea to take a look at your finances and work out how to better manage your money and maximise your savings. As your family grows, so do your expenses and outgoings. We’ll provide some practical ways to reduce your spending and save money.Below ar...

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